How to help your orchid rebloom in the spring

Did you know that an orchid doesn’t just bloom once, but many times? You can enjoy this plant for years to come! Spring is the perfect time to give an orchid a fresh start. With more sunlight and rising temperatures, orchids often sprout new buds. In this article, we provide you with a few tips to help your orchid rebloom in the spring!


How to help your orchid rebloom in the spring

Once your orchid has finished blooming, it may take some time before it blooms again. However, it is worth the wait because when this plant blooms, you can enjoy it for several weeks – sometimes even months! When an orchid begins to grow again, there are a few things you can do to help it along:

  • Place the orchid in a bright spot, but not in direct sunlight. Orchids need adequate light to bloom; insufficient light may result in few or no flowers.
  • Orchids don’t like drafts. While some fresh air is beneficial, be cautious with frequently open windows and doors.
  • Support new stems with a stake. New stems are often heavy and quite fragile, so they can benefit from additional support. And those stakes with clips in the plant pot are there for a reason!
  • Water your orchid once or twice a week. Preferably, do this by placing it in a container of water for about 5-10 minutes, allowing the roots to absorb the water.
  • Enhance your orchid’s radiance by giving it a bit of extra orchid fertilizer. Note: regular plant fertilizer is too strong for an orchid, so only use special orchid fertilizer!
  • Increase humidity by occasionally misting the orchid’s leaves with a plant mister.
  • The ideal room temperature for an orchid is between 20 and 22°C.



Also read: How to keep your orchid in perfect condition!

What to do when an orchid is dropping buds, flowers or leaves?

Orchids are easy-to-maintain houseplants. However, like any other plant, care issues can occasionally arise, leading to the dropping of orchid buds, flowers or leaves. While this might be alarming, it also serves as a gentle warning from the plant. In this article, we’ll explain the reasons behind bud, flower, and leaf drop, so you can prevent it in the future.

What to do when an orchid is dropping buds, flowers or leaves?

When when an orchid is dropping buds, flowers or leaves, this can be caused by various factors. We’ll discuss them one by one below.


Why are the flower buds dropping from my orchid?

If the buds of an orchid are falling off, the plant might not be receiving enough sunlight or water. Place the orchid in a brighter spot and water it at least once a week. Temperature fluctuations, such as draughts, are also detrimental to orchids. If your orchid is new to your home, bud drop is likely a response to the changed environment.


Photo: Happy Monday Blog


Why are the leaves falling off my orchid?

If the leaves of an orchid are falling off, the plant may have been sitting in water for too long. This can cause the roots to rot, resulting in yellowing leaves that eventually fall off.

Also read: What to do with an orchid with yellow leaves?


Why are the flowers falling off my orchid?

Since orchids are tropical plants, they thrive in warmth. If they are too cold, both buds and flowers can drop because the roots become less active. Therefore, ensure that your orchid is always placed in an area with an average temperature of at least 15 degrees Celsius.

Also read: How to make orchids rebloom again?


Bonus tip

Keep orchids away from the fruit bowl. Ripening fruits release a significant amount of ethylene, which is not favorable for blooming orchids, and can also lead to bud, flower, and leaf drop.

What to do with the air roots of an orchid?

It’s common knowledge that a plant has roots, but the air roots of an orchid are a little less known. So you’re probably wondering what they are, what their function is and whether you can cut off an orchid’s air roots. Read all about it in this article!

Also read: How to make orchids rebloom again?


What are air roots?

Curious about what the roots that grow outside of the pot of your orchid are? Air roots are crazy-looking tendrils that look a little like tentacles, but they are perfectly normal! They are firm and white, and often grow downwards.



What is the function of air roots?

Orchids use their roots to absorb nutrients from the air, absorbing moisture and obtaining carbon dioxide they need to thrive. However, this is especially true in areas and climates with high humidity. In the average living room, this function is therefore less effective and doesn’t have a huge effect on the growth of your plant.

Fun fact: orchids are epiphytes, which means they grow on other plants – such as a tree in a tropical rainforest. They use their roots to attach themselves to tree branches high above the jungle floor, to attempt to reach the light filtering through the leafy canopy. So, many plants that we place in a pot are actually climbing plants!


Should I cut the air roots off my orchid?

Not everyone is a fan of aerial roots, as they can make the plant look a bit crazy. However, if the air roots are firm and white, they are healthy and you don’t need to do anything at all. Trim the ones looking brown and soft, but work carefully to avoid cutting too deep and harming the plant. Do the air roots really bother you? Then cut a few off, but not all at once. This way your orchid can slowly get used to it.



Also read: 3 ways to water your orchid

What should you not do with an orchid? 4 tips

In general, you’re probably looking for tips on how to take the best care of your orchid. But it can also be useful to know what you should not do with an orchid especially if this is your first one. So, we gathered a few tips that help you avoid deadly mistakes and enable you to grow your orchid healthily. Read them below!

4x what should you not do with an orchid?


Be careful not to overwater your orchid. Most orchids require water once a week in the summer, and once every two weeks in the winter. Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot.


What should you not do with an orchid? 4 tips

Mist your orchid

In general, tropical plants like to be misted with water from time to time. The orchid isn’t one of them. Misting increases the risk of causing a fungal or bacterial disease to the leaves or stems.

Exposure to direct sunlight

The best place for an orchid is a bright spot, but they shouldn’t be exposed to too much sunlight. The sun can cause the leaves of your orchid to burn. And of course, we want to prevent that! The plant does need sufficient daylight, so it’s best to place it in indirect light.


What should you not do with an orchid? 4 tips

Repotting with regular potting soil

Don’t repot an orchid too quickly. Repotting only is a good idea when the roots are growing out of the plastic pot, causing it to break. Use airy soil, preferably special orchid potting soil, because regular potting soil is too dense and doesn’t drain thoroughly enough.

Also read: How to care for an orchid

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